Quick comebacks to working stiffs when they say, “Retired, eh? So, what do you do all day?”

Elephant and dog meditate at summer night




Your wit and sarcasm!





As a retired person, you have probably been asked repeatedly by working people, “So, what do you do all day?”  It can be a hard question to answer… especially if the working stiff is looking over your shoulder, desperate to find someone more interesting to talk to.  Maybe he stifles a yawn.  You can see his eyes glaze over as you launch into your reply.

Now is your chance to come up with a witty response or two – ahead of time.

Click on this link to record your responses.

(Or email Mariella)


Here is an example to get you started:

  • Working Stiff: Retired, eh? So, what do you do all day?
  • Response: Every afternoon, without fail, I settle into my reclining armchair – scotch in hand – and tune into the rush-hour traffic report.


Thank you for contributing!  I look forward to sharing all contributions in our Fall newsletter (October 1st).  Then we’ll each have zingers ready for the next working stiff.


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