
Are you getting enough of the five elements needed for a satisfying life? 1

Retirement Stats, Studies and StuffRetirement Stats, Studies and Stuff


According to the Well-Being Theory there are five measurable elements that can help us create a deeply satisfying retirement, and a satisfying life. The five elements are as follows:

1. Positive emotion
2. Engagement…

When work ended abruptly, I was catapulted into serious soul searching 4

Tales of RetirementTales of Retirement

By Martin

I haven’t officially retired but I haven’t worked in years. I was there, at my job – and then (like the skunk I just watched disappear into a hedge) – I was gone. There was …

Did you know that a startling percentage of people retire unexpectedly or reluctantly?

Retirement Stats, Studies and StuffRetirement Stats, Studies, and Stuff

One poll shows that 52% of Canadians retired for causes that seem outside their control. Their stated reasons for retiring were

• illness/health (25%),
• company downsized (13%),
• reached mandatory retirement (8%) and
• …

Retirement Stats, Studies and Stuff